Thermostatic Water Bath with Cirulation and Digital Display
The Water Bath with Circulation was developed to give the whole system more homegeneity, the circulation ensures an uniform heating of the samples, wheter solid ou liquid and the digital control allows higher precision in the thermal control.

Water Bath
Ultrassonic cleaning process applies waves at a frequency of 40Khz promoting cavitation cleaning, suitable for deep, sensitive or heavy cleaning, desinfection of utensils, sample dissolution, degassing of liquids and also in parts dirt testing and microbiology. To optimize the ultrassound process it works at a fixed temperature of 35°C.
Conjugated Ultrasonic Water Bath
Always seeking to optimize our products according to our clients needs, we offer the Conjugated Ultrassonic Water Bath. The functions can be used together or only the chosen fuctionality. It is important to highlight that the ideal temperature to use the ultrassound is 35°C and the Water Bath function can reach up to 60°C.

Ultra Thermostatic Digital Water Bath
The Ultra Thermostatic Digital Water Bath was developed to optimize the condensation of some equipments such as: spectrophotometers, refractometers, rotary evaporators, electrophoresis, soxhlet and a range variety of aplications in which one need thermal accuracy by immersion or external circulation.

Banho Maria Digital SolidSteel - Como Utilizar?

Banho Maria Digital com Circulação - Como Utilizar